Posts Tagged ‘ Québécois nation in united Canada ’

How will Canadian history judge Stephen Harper .. very early night thoughts from Citizen X ??

Oct 30th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

It seems appropriate – if also impossible in any deadly serious way – to suggest something about Stephen Harper’s legacy to Canada (and a small patch of the wider universe?), during his final days as Conservative leader and federal prime minister. (Justin Trudeau will officially succeed him on Wednesday, November 4. A  new interim leader […]

First French language debate .. maybe it really is time for yet another Canadian prime minister from Quebec

Sep 25th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

Right now, I have no serious idea about just what impact the French language debate in Montreal last night might have on the Canadian federal election campaign that will end with some hopefully more or less decisive popular vote on Monday, October 19. I can, however, testify with confidence that it has been the one […]

Maybe Pauline Marois is telling the rest of us that we cannot do nothing about Canada’s constitutional future forever!

Aug 27th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED AUGUST 28]. Just over a week from now, the people/peuple of la belle province (which is, of course, not a province like the others, because of its beauty and many other things) will be choosing their next provincial government. It still seems wrong to jump to any big conclusions just yet – especially perhaps […]

New NDP interim leader Nycole Turmel’s Bloc past shouldn’t matter .. but in real world of Canada right now it probably does?

Aug 3rd, 2011 | By | Category: In Brief

If Canada already were the country of the future it could be – and should eventually become – the news that federal NDP interim leader Nycole Turmel was until  recently also a member of the Bloc Québécois (and is apparently still on the books of the vaguely sovereigntist provincial party, Québec Solidaire) would not be […]