Posts Tagged ‘ progressive coalition in Canada ’

Three new October orange wave in Ottawa theories .. Alberta surprise, UK repeat, progressive coalition ??

May 25th, 2015 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

This past Friday two big names on the Toronto newspaper pundit scene explored the sudden surge of New Democratic support in Canadian federal politics, during a key election year. In the Globe and Mail Jeffrey Simpson asked “Can a third orange wave splash across Canada?” And he finally answered : “The failure of the Conservatives […]

Coalition dreaming in Ottawa 2015 … still crazy after all these years ??

Dec 17th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

For Canadian federal politics 2015 is bound to be a crucial year. And two recent comment pieces by Andrew Coyne and Chantal Hébert make for rather ominous reading, as the start of the year comes into clear view. Both Mr Coyne and Ms Hébert are worrying about just what may or may not happen if […]