Posts Tagged ‘ Liberal-NDP Accord 1985 ’

“Number of people (58%) saying they might change their mind is unusual .. Nothing is decided yet in Ontario!”

Apr 3rd, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS : ONTARIO ELECTION NOW ONLY TWO MONTHS AWAY, APRIL 3, 2022. P.J. Fournier’s current “338Canada” polling averages (“Last update: April 2, 2022”) are projecting a 38% popular vote for Doug Ford’s “Ontario PC Party” in the June 2 provincial election, if it were held now! According to his parallel calculations this would for […]

New polls suggest Ontario election could be more interesting than we thought?

Jan 22nd, 2022 | By | Category: In Brief

ONTARIO TONITE. RANDALL WHITE, FERNWOOD PARK, TORONTO, 22 JANUARY 2022. [UPDATED JANUARY 24]. With the June 2, 2022 Ontario election almost within eyesight pollsters have been getting restless. Five different polls have recently appeared, nicely summarized on January 20 by the excellent Polling Canada @CanadianPolling. The short message of the five polls taken together is […]