Posts Tagged ‘ Brexit and Donald Trump ’

Big Brexit surprise in UK .. and what it may or may not mean for Donald Trump in USA

Jun 24th, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

TORONTO, CANADA. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2016. 12:30 AM. Both ITV and the BBC have now called the Brexit referendum for the Leave the European Union side, with approximately 52% of interested United Kingdom citizens voting Leave and 48% voting Remain. This is a great surprise for a great many people, and I am certainly one […]

Last Canadian thoughts on UK Brexit : trying to remember Orwell’s “Toward European Unity” in 1947

Jun 21st, 2016 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED JUNE 22, 23 : scroll below for LFB’s VERY LAST-MINUTE THOUGHT. LUNCHTIME, JUNE 23]. It first became altogether clear to me that the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom across the seas this Thursday, June 23 was serious, when I met the UK uncle of a friend of my son, in Canada on business […]