Posts Tagged ‘ BC politics ’

Is Canada really “sanest nation there is” .. take Liberals and NDP (in BC, Ontario, Nova Scotia, AND OTTAWA)?

Sep 26th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

Those of us who vainly dream that the progressive mainstream in Canada is gearing up to reassert itself in the real world of politics have had a few bits of bad news lately. The brilliant Monty Python and Fawlty Towers graduate, John Cleese, keen to sell tickets to his “Last Chance to See Me Before […]

Who’s just playing politics in Ontario now (and/or BC)?

Apr 30th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED MAY 3]. Some say the alleged Oakville gas-plant “revelations” of Ontario Power Authority chief executive Colin Andersen before a Queen’s Park legislative committee today bring an Ontario spring election close enough for jazz. And who knows? They may be right. (Although listening to Andrea Horwath’s jousting with scandal-mongering media just before noon made us […]

Victoria Toronto – tales of two Canadian provincial elections, maybe

Apr 29th, 2013 | By | Category: In Brief

There is a side to Ontario, you might say, that channels Nova Scotia. Another side channels Quebec (the “sister province,” as Bill Davis liked to put it), and another side channels Alberta. Still another side channels beautiful British Columbia. And this side may have the strongest implications for the Canadian future right now. In any […]

BC Liberal leadership: is 3-party system in the wings for Canada’s Pacific coast?

Feb 25th, 2011 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 26, 6:50 PM PT]: For many in many parts of the world the Oscars this Sunday are the big event this weekend. But for hard-core Canadian political junkies it’s the BC Liberal leadership contest tomorrow. An internal poll “conducted by Ontario-based Praxicus Public Strategies” gives Christy Clark, the one lady in the race, […]