Posts Tagged ‘ Australian politics ’

Stephen Harper has lost a friend in Tony Abbott in Australia .. what will it mean for October 19 in Canada?

Sep 15th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

REPORT FROM GREG BARNS IN AUSTRALIA. Stephen Harper might feel a little lonelier today.  With the election of Malcolm Turnbull as Australia’s 29th Prime Minister –  after a late night Liberal Party room vote on Monday (September 14, 2015) – Mr Harper loses an ideological soul mate in Tony Abbott, the man Mr Turnbull replaces. From […]

Thunder down under .. the fight inside the Labor Party in the Land of Oz ..

Feb 23rd, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED FEBRUARY 24, FEBRUARY 27]. Just under a month ago now, the counterweights editors blogged on “The gathering storm down under .. how much longer can Australia’s Labor government last?” This piece noted “a growing uneasiness about [current Australian Prime Minister] Julia Gillard as Labor government leader. Her regime has been polling below its Liberal/National […]

The gathering storm down under .. how much longer can Australia’s Labor government last?

Jan 26th, 2012 | By | Category: In Brief

Internal website statistics showing a sudden burst of fresh interest in a blog we did on the last Australian federal election (“You can’t blame Bloc Québécois for no majority government in Land of Oz,”Â  Aug 23rd, 2010) has clued us in to fresh political hi-jinks in the exotic deep southern geography of  billabongs, coolabah trees, […]