Archive for January 2009

Whatever happened to Merella Fernandez?

Jan 20th, 2009 | By | Category: Entertainment

TORONTO. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2009 (and kudos to whoever waved the Canadian flag last night, in front of the MSNBC booth, on the National Mall in Washington). [UPDATED : MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 2010 ; SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2011 : see below]. “Who cares about local media personalities in Toronto, Canada?” is a good question. And […]

Walking on water and walking on eggs

Jan 15th, 2009 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

What is known in Canada’s province that is not a province like the others as “Sondage Nanos” has released two intriguing opinion polls over the past several days. They suggest the prorogued 40th Parliament that will return to life on January 26 will not be a cakewalk for any of the parties involved. On the […]

Facing up to 2009: Obama drama, Harper as Mackenzie King, bailout polls, and lovely JM Keynes

Jan 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

It was not easy to be cheerful when we saw headlines like: “Think 2008 was bad? Just wait, economists say” ; “Economists grim in their forecasts for 2009” ; and “2009 to be ‘weakest year’ since World War II.”On the other hand, on the second-last day of the fateful old year we heard as well that […]