Archive for October 2008

Mad Men is best TV in years

Oct 28th, 2008 | By | Category: Entertainment

Almost everyone I ask still says they aren’t watching Matthew Weiner’s stunning new TV series, Mad Men – about a mid-level New York advertising agency in the early 1960s. Or they haven’t even heard about it yet. So it makes sense when John Sturgeon, who writes for a student newspaper in Philadelphia, describes the show […]

Is there any way Obama can lose?

Oct 24th, 2008 | By | Category: USA Today

The actual US election is now less than a dozen days away. And if you’re wondering how an Associated Press-GfK poll can show Barack Obama at 44% nationally, and John McCain at 43%, while at least “two other surveys put Obama ahead by 10 points or more,” you are not alone. Polling guru John Zogby […]

Are we all Métis peoples of Canada now?

Oct 19th, 2008 | By | Category: Heritage Now

Just for the record, the former Governor General’s consort, John Ralston Saul, is not one of my favourite authors. And I haven’t exactly read his new book, A Fair Country: Telling Truths about Canada. But I have bumped into a few of its key messages in the mass media. The other night I saw him […]

Democracy in dark times .. Canada votes 2008

Oct 14th, 2008 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

OCTOBER 14, 11:20 PM. [UPDATED OCTOBER 15 BELOW]. Some will say it`s a little too close to a Conservative majority for comfort. The exact results of Canada’s 40th federal election remain uncertain at this still comparatively early hour. But it is quite clear that Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have done considerably better than some of us […]

The greenest shift : Ms. May’s coalition proposal

Oct 4th, 2008 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

[UPDATED OCTOBER 5, 6].With a mere matter of days left in the still rather obscure Canadian federal election campaign, desperation is setting in on various fronts. And why not join the party? Many progressive voters up here in the true north strong and free do not want a Conservative majority in the 40th Parliament whose exact […]