Posts Tagged ‘ Stephen Harper and Angela Merkel ’

Are the Harper Conservatives really en route to improving their re-election chances by leaps and bounds ????

Jan 17th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

If you have been in any way distressed by this past Thursday’s Global News headline on the Canadian federal election this year,  “Conservatives pull ahead of Liberals, could be on cusp of majority: poll,” take heart. There is at least some countervailing good/bad news. To start with, the poll in question – which reports Conservatives […]

Along the line of smoky hills, the crimson politicians stand .. and wonder what the people of Canada will demand

Oct 14th, 2014 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

[UPDATED OCTOBER 15]. Coming home on the airplane from a recent trip to Europe, I read an article by an eminent Cambridge academic in a British political magazine. And I was almost shocked when it proclaimed that the “two most successful leaders in contemporary western politics are Angela Merkel and Stephen Harper.” This international point […]