Posts Tagged ‘ Ontario election polls 2014 ’

Ontario election 2014 : last minute polling notes, and meditations on the low voter turnout syndrome

Jun 11th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

The editors tell me this is the last posting on the (first?) Ontario election of 2014 that counterweights will publish before the actual vote tomorrow. So I have one or two housekeeping matters to attend to, before getting into my main subject of declining voter turnout in Ontario (and elsewhere in the free and democratic […]

Ontario Northern Uprising election remains a mystery – “close race” still the only deep truth ????

Jun 8th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

With a mere four (or three?) days to the ultimate moment of truth, two articles from this weekend’s Globe and Mail may or may not summarize the current state of the campaigning art in Ontario’s current  democratic consultation with the regional people. The first is “‘Desperate’ rivals left to stir up trouble, Wynne says” by […]