Posts Tagged ‘ NDP-Green alliance in BC ’

BC “NDP and Greens celebrate a stunning political power play” as ex-Liberal Darryl Plecas takes speaker’s job

Sep 12th, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

You may not care much about Premier John Horgan’s government’s “first update on BC budget” – like finance minister Carole James herself.  You may also be thinking, like us, that the intriguing new NDP-Green alliance in BC provincial politics still looks too insecure to be of much broader Canadian significance. We can only say we […]

Democracy in British Columbia 2017 : suddenly it’s very interesting

Jun 19th, 2017 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

[UPDATED JUNE 20, 22]. Without a doubt the most interesting thing in Canadian politics right now is the continuing fallout from the May 9, 2017 provincial election in beautiful British Columbia on Canada’s Pacific coast. To start with, make a strong mental note that 44 seats constitute the barest of majorities in BC’s 87-seat elected […]