Posts Tagged ‘ Louis Riel Day in Ontario ’

Not everyone agrees with Happy Louis Riel Day 2011 across Canada, but …

Feb 21st, 2011 | By | Category: Heritage Now

Today – the third Monday in February – is President’s Day (aka Washington’s Birthday) in the USA, Family Day in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario, Islanders’ Day in Prince Edward Island, and Louis Riel Day in Manitoba. (And the BC Federation of Labour has recently renewed “its call to create a statutory holiday in February for […]

Happy Louis Riel Day 2010 .. that’s what it should be called everywhere in Canada, coast to coast to coast

Feb 15th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

GANATSEKWYAGON, ONTARIO. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2010. Today – the third Monday in February – is a statutory holiday in five Canadian provinces. It’s called Family Day in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario; Islanders Day in Prince Edward Island; and Louis Riel Day in Manitoba. Louis Riel, in case you’ve forgotten, was a Canadian  Métis (ie mixed […]