Posts Tagged ‘ fixed election dates in Canada ’

Is Justin Trudeau’s summer snap election in Canada turning into a mistake? (&/or for Old Ontario residents will it just be Bland Bill Davis in 1977 all over again?)

Aug 21st, 2021 | By | Category: In Brief

COUNTERWEIGHTS EDITORS : 2021 CANADIAN ELECTION REPORT, I. SAT 21 AUG 2021, 7PM EDT. EAST BEACHES, TORONTO. [UPDATED AUGUST 22]. The first week of what amounts to a five-week campaign in the snap federal election Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called this past Sunday for Monday, September 20, 2021 is almost over. It’s still early […]

Is Stephen Harper too clever by half .. and/or will that be good enough for Canada in 2015?

Nov 15th, 2014 | By | Category: In Brief

As it starts to seem that this just may be another long, cold winter, various bits of early snow in the air are telling confusing tales of the much anticipated Canadian federal election of 2015. In the latest journalistic style, here are five things on this subject that may or may not interest the Canadian […]