Posts Tagged ‘ Canadian identity 2010 ’

Kudos to Vancouver and Western Canada (and Sid the Kid from Nova Scotia too) ..

Mar 1st, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

At least something brief should be said about the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010, now that they’re over. But just what is not altogether easy to figure out. The good news, however, is that, by and large, the news is good. (From our own Canadian point of view at any rate.) My favourite penultimate headline comes […]

At the 2010 Vancouver Olympics: are Canadians “more like Texans” at last?

Feb 25th, 2010 | By | Category: In Brief

BUCKHORN, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2010. Now that “Canada owns the rink with mauling of Russia,” the anglophone hardhats up here on the fluted edge of the Canadian Shield are relaxing a bit. At Pete’s Lunch by the locks this morning, it was also pointed out that we now have seven gold medals – just […]