Posts Tagged ‘ Black Voyageurs ’

Anti-petroleum, Justin Trudeau, Louis Riel, and First Quest for the Northwest

Feb 20th, 2015 | By | Category: In Brief

You know you are living in strange times when you read headlines like “‘Anti-petroleum’ movement a growing security threat to Canada, RCMP say.” Really? Our lives and property are at risk from an “anti-petroleum” movement? Is Franz Kafka working for the RCMP now? Will we soon have crimes like anti-petroleum activities? Will purchasing a Tesla […]

First Quest for the Northwest in Canada, 1615—1760

Feb 19th, 2015 | By | Category: Heritage Now

If you place a large map of North America on a table, and then turn it so that the Gulf of St. Lawrence is your central point of vision, your eye can easily move south and west, traveling the St. Lawrence River to the lower Great Lakes and the Mississippi River, all the way down […]