Posts Tagged ‘ Bill Shorten ’

Will Labor win in Land of Oz on May 18 (and what will it mean for Liberals in Canada if they don’t) ??

May 15th, 2019 | By | Category: Countries of the World

[SCROLL DOWN FOR MAY 19/20 UPDATE ON ELECTION RESULTS]. With only a few days until voting on Saturday, May 18, the 2019 Australian federal election seems a closer thing than it appeared to be six months ago. (Fellow Commonwealth citizens in northern North America should also note that Australia is considerably further ahead of us […]

Top 12 late news extras as midsummer madness 2017 sets in : Oz Labor party will hold republic referendum etc, etc

Jul 31st, 2017 | By | Category: In Brief

[UPDATED AUGUST 1]. The final “Streetfest” phase of the 29th annual Beaches International Jazz Festival is now over, and we’ve asked our wayward staff  to submit their favourite key current late news extras for post-festival tabulation. Without further ado : (1) “Bill Shorten renews push for Australian republic, vows to hold referendum within first term […]