More Ontario lottery scandal (?) .. and federal Liberals are going to do what?

Sep 2nd, 2009 | By | Category: In Brief
Former reforming Ontario Lottery and Gaming CEO Kelly McDougald, who has now been dismissed "with cause."

Former reforming Ontario Lottery and Gaming CEO Kelly McDougald, who has now been dismissed "with cause."

The accident-prone Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (or just OLG to its friends) has been causing the Liberal government of Canada’s most populous province further grief. And now some heads have rolled. Our resident Ontario historian, Randall White, has prepared a full if inevitably still quick and dirty report on the deeper background. See the Canadian Provinces category to the right of the page, or CLICK HERE, to pursue the matter at greater length.

Meanwhile, believe it or not, Michael Ignatieff’s federal Liberal party may have actually “set stage for possible fall federal election.” Our deep thinker on this front, Dr. L. Frank Bunting, is still hard at work on his full report. He says he hopes it will be ready in a few more days. While you’re waiting, you might want to consult Don Martin’s “Iggy’s election drumbeat out of tune with Canadians.” Dr. Bunting says this is interesting, no doubt. But what if the New Democrats actually do wind up supporting Mr. Harper`s minority government, now that Gary Doer has become ambassador to the USA? This is one possibility Dr. Bunting will be looking into in his report, he says – if it ever does finally get done!

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