Archive for July 2008

Turkey’s Constitutional Court does the right thing!

Jul 31st, 2008 | By | Category: Countries of the World

Just when it seemed that the encouraging, moderate, and essentially rational new Islamic democracy in Turkey might be about to blow apart, wiser heads have prevailed. And there are at least some fresh grounds for hope about the future of the troubled global village today. Headlines from more or less around the world tell the […]

End of Bay store downtown will end some minor magic

Jul 19th, 2008 | By | Category: Heritage Now

I once took a girl to the Georgian Room on the ninth floor of the old Eaton’s department store in Toronto. It must have been around 1970. I was in my 20s by that point. I had been going to the Georgian Room since before I could remember, with my mother and brother and aunts […]

Big economic bump ahead .. bad couple of years, or bad decade?

Jul 16th, 2008 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

UPDATED JULY 19. Even if you are just remotely interested in economics, you probably ought to be somewhat alarmed by the economic headlines haunting English-language media around the global village lately. To take just a few small examples: “Australian business hits the skids, report shows“; “Markets spooked by grim warning of recession” ; “World stocks at 21-month low […]

It`s not easy being green ..

Jul 1st, 2008 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

According to a report in the June 27 Globe and Mail: “Anger at soaring gas prices has supplanted fear about global warming as the No. 1 issue Canadians say is facing their country …The environment, last year’s top issue, has been pushed to No. 3 … This shift could make it more difficult for Liberal […]