Archive for September 2007

Six years later .. editors on Mediterranean retreat .. back for Ontario vote, October 10

Sep 11th, 2007 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

TORONTO, SEPTEMBER 11, 2007. “This year’s 9/11 video from Al Qaeda,” we learn from the New York Times, “seemed to be intended for the Americans the group attacked six years ago: it features English subtitles and an introduction by Osama bin Laden.” What we all know now that we didn’t quite know then is that […]

Harper, Bush, Hu Jintao see Wizard of Oz .. and Canada may have election this year too?

Sep 5th, 2007 | By | Category: Countries of the World

OTTAWA, SEPTEMBER 5/8. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is now in Sydney, at the 2007 summit of the 21-nation Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum (APEC). So are  President Bush of the USA and President Hu Jintao of China. And Australian Prime Minister John Howard has just said that this “APEC meeting is undeniably the most important […]