Archive for July 2007

Are Dion Liberals dead ducks .. and why isnt PM Harper doing a lot better if they are?

Jul 31st, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Some would say it is hard to think of another time in living memory when the fortunes of the once mighty Liberal Party of Canada looked bleaker than they do in the summer of 2007. The party’s late 20th century godfather Pierre Trudeau has just “topped an Internet poll as the worst Canadian.” And the […]

Machiavelli .. is he the prince of darkness who haunts democracy in America 2007?

Jul 25th, 2007 | By | Category: USA Today

Who recently told the mass media: “I was going out with someone and they said I should read Machiavelli and I was like, ‘Nah’, and then I was, ‘Ok, I’ll read it’, and now it is always with me”? If you guessed Lindsay Lohan, go to the head of the class. Niccolo Machiavelli, who died […]

Northern summer notes .. Mess-O-Potamia, Northwest Passage, East vs. Western Prince of Pot, etc

Jul 19th, 2007 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Even in Canada the rising great mess in the Middle East is the focal point of the summer this year. And for Canadians especially it is not just Iraq – it’s Afghanistan and now Pakistan too. Meanwhile, Stephen Harper is on the road in the Western Hemisphere (Colombia, Chile, Barbados, and Haiti). And a somewhat […]

Black Friday for Mr. Black .. now what about the good old family compact in Canada?

Jul 13th, 2007 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

Friday, July 13, 2007 turns out an unlucky day for the fallen media baron Conrad Black, who used to be a Canadian citizen but gave that up to become a British lord. A US jury in Chicago has finally found him guilty on four of 13 white-collar-crime charges. That might sound not too bad, all […]

What happened at the Red Mosque in Pakistan .. and what does it mean for us?

Jul 10th, 2007 | By | Category: Countries of the World

“It could end with them all coming out or it could end in a bloodbath,” Stephen Cohen, South Asia expert at the Brookings Institute in Washington, said on Monday, July 9. Then at 4 AM on Tuesday, Pakistan time, Major-General Waheed Arshad announced that Pakistani forces had “launched an operation … to clear militants” from […]

National holiday nostalgia .. should Canadian history just be forgotten in new global village?

Jul 4th, 2007 | By | Category: Heritage Now

Only in Canada would the self-confessed national newspaper take the annual national holiday as an occasion for debating whether the national history should be banished as a subject in the tax-supported public schools. It is, on the other hand, part of what many Canadians like about Canada that such things do happen – and did […]