Archive for April 2007

What’s going on in Ottawa now .. while ho-hum and quiet revolutions breed across the land?

Apr 27th, 2007 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Two new polls on federal party standings have confirmed recent instincts about the essential dead-calm in the cross-Canada political mood. Another election soon would probably just put the same people back in the same seats as last year’s election. And that may definitively banish all further fevered election speculation at least until the fall. What […]

Brigitte Bardot doesn’t vote in French election .. and other recent Canadian news

Apr 22nd, 2007 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

The sun is shining at last in some parts of the country. But other voices are still asking why 63% of a random sample of Canadians recently told pollsters they want to elect judges. Others again are still trying to sing happy 25th birthday to the Charter of Rights. And Jean Chretien has at last […]

Not just separatists who don’t want a monarch .. at Quebec City or anywhere else

Apr 16th, 2007 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

As further evidence that “Canada’s new government” is still attached to some nowadays too old-fashioned Canadian habits, it has just been reported that the “British monarch’s name was put forth by Ottawa for a list of potential guests to be invited to the celebrations … at next year’s 400th birthday bash of Quebec’s capital city.” As […]

Harold Innis at Vimy Ridge .. and Canada in Afghanistan

Apr 10th, 2007 | By | Category: Heritage Now

The Globe and Mail has reported that the 90th anniversary commemoration of the Canadian assault on Vimy Ridge in the First World War, under “the warm sun of northern France” on April 9, 2007, “was a thoroughly Canadian moment.” And the Queen, who lives in England, said: “Those who seek the foundations of Canada’s distinction […]

Are you ready for baseball Blue Jays? .. the succession of seasons 2007

Apr 9th, 2007 | By | Category: Sporting Life

As the Leafs fall out of contention in Toronto, like the Canadiens in Montreal and the Oilers in Edmonton, attention in many parts of the wilderness shifts to springtime. It is time once again to get ready for another year of baseball in the Great White North. While the Blue Jays look to vie for […]

Ontario 2007 : forgotten but not gone

Apr 6th, 2007 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

Patches of snow on the ground in early April almost hint at a certain reluctance to get on with the new season of change in “Canada’s most populous province” (and don’t you forget it). Yet by the end of the first quarter of 2007 probably all but the most obtuse central Canadians have at last […]

Case of the Hells Angels’ border guard in BC .. and other tall tales from the new west

Apr 1st, 2007 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

This past Tuesday, March 27, 2007 the Vancouver Sun reported that “Mindi Niedermeiser, the BC border guard who partied with the Hells Angels, had been previously fired by the Canada Border Services Agency for misconduct but was reinstated after an appeal.” Ms. Niedermeiser’s case starts more than a decade ago now. But it may help […]