Archive for July 2005

Summer breezes .. Chuck Cadmans’ death, more London transit disaster, war in Iraq, etc.

Jul 15th, 2005 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

TORONTO. Friday, July 15. 4:00 PM. It is very hot in this part of the world these days. News about politics and the big picture comes as so many short summer breezes. For avid fans of the almost prime-time soap opera in Canadian federal politics, the July 9 death of Chuck Cadman, independent MP from Surrey North in […]

Where are the Canadian Tories now? (well, in Alberta, to start with)

Jul 4th, 2005 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

CALGARY. Monday, July 4, 2005. Much free advice is being offered to Conservative leader Stephen Harper on how to improve his performance in Canadian federal politics. But one question lingers. Just what does it mean that he is running for prime minister of Canada, and not president of the United States? The Harper headquarters of Calgary, Alberta, e.g., is […]

Legal gay marriage : in Belgium, the Netherlands, and now Canada (and Spain) too

Jul 1st, 2005 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

OTTAWA. Tuesday, June 28, 2005. 11:30 PM. So third and final reading on the Bill C-38 gay marriage legislation has now passed in the Parliament of Canada, by a 158-133 vote. As CTV News has put it: “After the same-sex vote was put to bed, the House immediately adjourned for the summer, thus ending one of […]