Archive for November 2006

Snow in Vancouver .. as 265 Ottawa MPs drink Québécois nation Kool-Aid

Nov 27th, 2006 | By | Category: Canadian Provinces

OTTAWA. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2006. 10:30 PM ET. Earlier this evening the Canadian House of Commons voted 265-16 in favour of the resolution “That this House recognizes that the Québécois are a nation within a united Canada.” At about the same time old federal Liberal policy guru and Pierre Trudeau admirer Tom Axworthy was on […]

Countdown to Liberal convention .. can Kennedy-Dion beat Bob Rae (and Michael Ignatieff)?

Nov 17th, 2006 | By | Category: Key Current Issues

It is not surprising that some of the same minds who think Michael Ignatieff will make an excellent leader of the Liberal Party of Canada also think that Governor Howard Dean, will be an excellent person to “give the keynote address at the Party’s upcoming Leadership and Biennial Convention” in Montreal, Tuesday, November 28 Saturday, December […]

The other republicans : way down south in the Land of Oz

Nov 13th, 2006 | By | Category: Canadian Republic

The interesting website Vive le Canada has just published a remarkable piece of political writing called “Walk in the Old Paths – An Open Appeal to the Conservative Party From a Muslim High Tory.”  It is probably the most sophisticated and up-to-date defence imaginable for the future of the present British constitutional monarchy in such […]

Not a slap on the forehead? .. democracy in America 2006: ya gotta believe its some step ahead

Nov 8th, 2006 | By | Category: USA Today

UPDATED NOVEMBER 9. According to Canada’s self-confessed national newspaper, as originally reported by the indispensable Associated Press, the “best face” George W. Bush’s spokesman Tony Snow could put on the (now altogether clear) results of the US mid-term elections was “some people saw it coming. It was not a a slap-on-the-forehead kind of shock.’” Just slapping […]