Archive for August 2004

Canadian flags on backpacks

Aug 22nd, 2004 | By | Category: In Brief

The sure mark of the Canadian world traveller is the obligatory Canadian flag stamped intently on their back as they explore the backpacker circuit.  This modification to their bags has long been held as a wise step to take before leaving for overseas, but how useful is such a measure these days and what message is it […]

Crime and the radio : the latest trends

Aug 19th, 2004 | By | Category: Crime Stories

Canada’s national crime rate increased 6% in 2003. And teenagers have been listening to the radio less over the past five years. What is Statistics Canada trying to tell us? Regular readers of the Statistics Canada Daily may confess to some bewilderment over the issue for Wednesday, July 28, 2004. It reported on two different […]

John Ibbitson’s next Canada

Aug 19th, 2004 | By | Category: Ottawa Scene

Serious fans of Canadian politics first bumped into John Ibbitson in the late 1990s. He arrived as the best-informed reporter on Mike Harris’s “common sense revolution” in the provincial politics of Ontario (currently home to some 38% of all the people of Canada). Since then Ibbitson’s indisputable talents have raised him to the higher calling […]