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Today In History
On July 8, 1902
John McGraw, accused by Ban Johnson of trying to wreck Baltimore and Washington clubs, negotiates his release from the Orioles

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IF YOU’VE GOT QUESTIONS ABOUT SOLAR ENERGY ... Not all that long ago now President Barack Obama "announced that ... grants will be available for those wishing to do research in renewable energy ... such as wind [and] solar." The next day "German industrial conglomerate Siemens AG said ... it will acquire a 28 per cent stake in Archimede Solar Energy S.p.A. to expand its expertise in solar thermal power plants." Meanwhile, for mere mortals who just want to know more the OpenSolar blog in the San Francisco Bay Area has been expanding its resources for letting you "ask questions about solar technology and get personal answers from experienced solar professionals and installation owners." All this remains one big piece in the big new clean-energy future that lies ahead. You can check it out in depth at ABOUT OPEN SOLAR!

Canadian Provinces
Weblinks Section We are regularly out on the web. When we find a great site we list it here for you to enjoy.
From the list below choose one of our weblink topics, then select a URL to visit.
  Web Link Hits
Government of Ontario
Canada’s most populous province, between the Great Lakes and Hudson Bay (and also, as explained by a British historian in the late 19th century, “an American state of the northern type”).
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
“The Rock” of the western North Atlantic was the last province to join Canada, in 1949. For a time before it was its own British dominion. The ancient cod fisheries are not what they used to be, but now offshore oil brightens the future.
Government of New Brunswick
Canada’s only officially bilingual province (as opposed to the federal government), of which the new Canadian ambassador to the United States was once the premier. Ancient home of both French-speaking Acadians and American Empire Loyalists.
Government of Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia’s capital city Halifax was once a bastion of the British Royal Navy in the North Altantic. The province at large remains a breeding ground of good manners, civil-society virtue, artistic and comedic talent, and the sporting life.
Government of Saskatchewan
Home of “the first socialist government in North America,” and the original inspiration for publicly funded health insurance across Canada. More or less the same old party is in office today, but not like it was then.
Province of Manitoba
Manitoba’s dominant city of Winnipeg gets quite cold in the winter, but it still remembers the days when someone from Ontario called it “the intellectual capital of Canada.” And Jennifer Lopez was recently in town to make a movie.
Government of Alberta
Canada’s oil-rich variation on the State of Texas down south — home of the Calgary Stampede and Chateau Lake Louise, birthplace of k.d.laing and the modern Canadian movement for Senate reform.
Province of British Columbia
Canada’s third most populous province, with a stunning Rocky mountain and Pacific seacoast geography. Also sometimes known as British California, the Wet Coast, or even the Left Coast (though not at the moment).
Portail Québec ... votre portail gouvernemental de services
Canada’s second most populous province, with a French-speaking majority, and the rugged St. Lawrence River running through it. You can just click on the button in the top right-hand corner to get the site in English too (or Spanish).
Province of Prince Edward Island
Canada’s geographically smallest and least populous province, also celebrated for potatoes, old-time virtues and community life, and the 1867 birthplace of the present Confederation, in the provincial capital city at Charlottetown.
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